為什麼iPad 統治了平板電腦市場

相較於6年前第一代10.1吋iPad,現在iPadPro的螢幕尺寸大了將近3吋,重量卻只多13公克。而在機身厚度上,iPadPro僅比輕薄極佳的iPadAir2厚0.08公分,差距也 ...,Intheend,theexperienceisdeterminedbywhatappyou'reusing.WhileSurfacegivemorenativeexperiencethaniP...。參考影片的文章的如下:


大尺寸iPad降臨,挑戰微軟Surface Pro 3與小筆電

相較於6年前第一代10.1吋iPad,現在iPad Pro的螢幕尺寸大了將近3吋,重量卻只多13公克。而在機身厚度上,iPad Pro僅比輕薄極佳的iPad Air 2厚0.08公分,差距也 ...

iPad Air 3 + Pencil vs Surface Pro 3 + Pen for Note

In the end, the experience is determined by what app you're using. While Surface give more native experience than iPad, but limited option of ...

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 vs. iPad Air

Size. The Surface Pro 3 is 18 percent taller, 22 percent wider and 21 percent thicker than the iPad Air ; Weight. The iPad Air is 41 percent ...

iPad Pro和Surface功能大PK,微軟這次至少沒全輸!

iPad Pro的畫面尺寸比Surface Pro 3大,因此長寬尺寸也較大,但iPad Pro更薄、更輕。二者的重量相差80g以上,拿在手裏應該能明顯感覺到差異。iPad Pro的電池 ...

Surface Pro vs. iPad Air

The Surface Pro is a bit heavier, of course, but an iPad Air with an integrated keyboard case is heavier than the Surface Pro with keyboard ...

微軟Surface 3更輕薄台灣首發挑戰iPad Air

今(5)日微軟宣布推出Surface Pro 3的兄弟機種Surface 3,採用自家作業系統Windows 8.1,硬體兼具效能與輕便優點,力拼iPad Air 2;三星則計畫推出 ...


Surface pro 3已經掛了,使用體驗最差。 你可以去試一下X1 yoga , 手寫硬體是WACOM 的, 缺點就是又重又貴,優點就是Window 系統。

Apple iPad Air 3 vs Microsoft Surface Pro 128 GB WiFi comparison

Apple iPad Air 3 vs Microsoft Surface Pro 128 GB WiFi comparison on basis of performance display camera battery, reviews & ratings and much more with full ...

Apple iPad Air (2019) vs Microsoft Surface Pro 3 256GB Intel i5

Why is Apple iPad Air (2019) better than Microsoft Surface Pro 3 256GB Intel i5? · 19.27% higher resolution ? 2224 x 1668 pxvs2160 x 1440 px · 3x faster CPU ...

Apple iPad Air (2019) vs Microsoft Surface Pro 3 64GB Intel i3

为什么Apple iPad Air (2019)优于Microsoft Surface Pro 3 64GB Intel i3? · 解析度高19.27% ? · 3.8x快的CPU 速度 ? · 内部存储空间大192GB ? · 支持快充 ? · 具有指纹扫描仪 ?


相較於6年前第一代10.1吋iPad,現在iPadPro的螢幕尺寸大了將近3吋,重量卻只多13公克。而在機身厚度上,iPadPro僅比輕薄極佳的iPadAir2厚0.08公分,差距也 ...,Intheend,theexperienceisdeterminedbywhatappyou'reusing.WhileSurfacegivemorenativeexperiencethaniPad,butlimitedoptionof ...,Size.TheSurfacePro3is18percenttaller,22percentwiderand21percentthickerthantheiPadAir;Weight.TheiPadAiris41percent ...,iPadPr...

Surface Pro 6 開箱推薦,六大功能特色解析

Surface Pro 6 開箱推薦,六大功能特色解析
